Aja Metoyer is a notable figure in the history of New Orleans, Louisiana. She was a free woman of color who lived in the city during the 18th and 19th centuries. Metoyer was known for her philanthropy and her work to improve the lives of the city's black community. She was also a successful businesswoman and owned several properties in New Orleans.

Metoyer was born in 1750 in Senegal, Africa. She was brought to New Orleans as a slave, but she was later freed. She became a successful businesswoman and owned several properties in the city. Metoyer was also a philanthropist and donated money to many charitable causes. She was particularly interested in helping the city's black community. She founded several schools and orphanages for black children.

Metoyer died in 1816. She is buried in St. Louis Cemetery in New Orleans. Her legacy continues today, and she is remembered as one of the city's most important historical figures.

Aja Metoyer

Aja Metoyer was a free woman of color who lived in New Orleans, Louisiana, during the 18th and 19th centuries. She was a philanthropist, businesswoman, and community leader. Metoyer's life is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

  • Philanthropist
  • Businesswoman
  • Community leader
  • Free woman of color
  • Born in Senegal
  • Died in New Orleans
  • Buried in St. Louis Cemetery
  • Legacy continues today
  • Role model for women and people of color
  • Inspiration for future generations

Metoyer's life is an example of how one person can make a difference in the world. She was a generous philanthropist who donated money to many charitable causes, including schools and orphanages for black children. She was also a successful businesswoman who owned several properties in New Orleans. Metoyer's work helped to improve the lives of the city's black community, and her legacy continues today.


Aja Metoyer was a philanthropist who donated money to many charitable causes, including schools and orphanages for black children. Her philanthropy helped to improve the lives of the city's black community, and her legacy continues today.

  • Educational philanthropy

    Metoyer donated money to several schools for black children in New Orleans. These schools provided educational opportunities for children who would not have otherwise had access to them. Metoyer's educational philanthropy helped to improve the lives of many black children in New Orleans.

  • Orphanage philanthropy

    Metoyer also donated money to several orphanages for black children in New Orleans. These orphanages provided a safe and nurturing environment for children who had lost their parents. Metoyer's orphanage philanthropy helped to improve the lives of many black children in New Orleans.

  • Legacy of philanthropy

    Metoyer's legacy of philanthropy continues today. Many of the schools and orphanages that she supported are still in operation today, and they continue to provide educational and support services to black children in New Orleans.

Metoyer's philanthropy was motivated by her desire to help the black community in New Orleans. She believed that all children deserved to have access to education and a safe and nurturing environment. Metoyer's philanthropy made a real difference in the lives of many black children in New Orleans, and her legacy continues today.


Aja Metoyer was a successful businesswoman who owned several properties in New Orleans. Her business acumen helped her to achieve financial independence and to support her philanthropic work.

  • Real estate ownership

    Metoyer owned several properties in New Orleans, including a coffee shop, a bakery, and several rental properties. Her real estate ownership provided her with a steady income and allowed her to build wealth.

  • Entrepreneurship

    Metoyer was also an entrepreneur. She owned and operated several businesses, including a coffee shop and a bakery. Her entrepreneurial spirit helped her to create jobs and to contribute to the local economy.

  • Financial independence

    Metoyer's business success allowed her to achieve financial independence. She was not dependent on anyone else for financial support. This financial independence gave her the freedom to pursue her philanthropic work.

  • Community involvement

    Metoyer used her business success to give back to the community. She donated money to schools and orphanages for black children. She also provided jobs for people in the community.

Metoyer's success as a businesswoman is an inspiration to us all. She showed that it is possible to achieve financial success while also making a difference in the world.

Community leader

Aja Metoyer was a community leader in New Orleans, Louisiana, during the 18th and 19th centuries. She was a philanthropist, businesswoman, and community activist. Metoyer's work helped to improve the lives of the city's black community, and her legacy continues today.

Metoyer was a strong advocate for education and social justice. She founded several schools and orphanages for black children. She also worked to improve the living conditions of the city's black community. Metoyer's work was motivated by her desire to make a difference in the world. She believed that everyone deserved a fair chance to succeed, regardless of their race or background.

Metoyer's legacy as a community leader continues today. Her work helped to pave the way for future generations of black leaders in New Orleans. She is an inspiration to us all, and her story reminds us that one person can make a difference in the world.

Free woman of color

Aja Metoyer was a free woman of color in New Orleans, Louisiana, during the 18th and 19th centuries. This meant that she was not a slave, but she was also not considered to be white. Free women of color occupied a unique position in society, and they faced many challenges and obstacles.

  • Legal status

    Free women of color were not legally equal to white women. They could not vote, own property, or testify in court. They were also subject to many of the same restrictions as slaves, such as not being able to leave the state without permission.

  • Social status

    Free women of color were also not accepted by white society. They were often excluded from social events and gatherings. They were also subject to discrimination and prejudice.

  • Economic opportunities

    Free women of color had limited economic opportunities. They were often restricted to low-paying jobs, such as domestic work or sewing. They were also not allowed to own property or start their own businesses.

  • Challenges and obstacles

    Free women of color faced many challenges and obstacles in their lives. They had to overcome legal, social, and economic barriers. They also had to deal with the prejudice and discrimination of white society.

Despite the challenges they faced, free women of color made significant contributions to society. They were active in the abolitionist movement and the fight for civil rights. They also established schools and businesses, and they provided support for their communities.

Born in Senegal

Aja Metoyer was born in Senegal, Africa, in 1750. She was brought to New Orleans as a slave, but she was later freed. She became a successful businesswoman and owned several properties in the city. Metoyer was also a philanthropist and donated money to many charitable causes, including schools and orphanages for black children.

  • Connection to New Orleans

    Metoyer's birthplace in Senegal had a profound impact on her life in New Orleans. She was brought to New Orleans as a slave, but she was later freed. She became a successful businesswoman and owned several properties in the city. Metoyer was also a philanthropist and donated money to many charitable causes, including schools and orphanages for black children.

  • African heritage

    Metoyer's African heritage was a source of strength and pride for her. She never forgot her roots, and she often spoke about her experiences in Africa. Metoyer's African heritage influenced her work as a philanthropist. She was particularly interested in helping the city's black community.

  • Resilience

    Metoyer's journey from slavery to freedom is a testament to her resilience. She overcame many challenges in her life, but she never gave up. Metoyer's resilience was an inspiration to others, and it helped her to make a difference in the world.

  • Legacy

    Metoyer's legacy continues today. She is remembered as one of New Orleans' most important historical figures. Her work as a philanthropist and community leader helped to improve the lives of many black people in the city. Metoyer's legacy is a reminder that one person can make a difference in the world.

Aja Metoyer's birthplace in Senegal had a profound impact on her life in New Orleans. Her African heritage was a source of strength and pride for her, and it influenced her work as a philanthropist. Metoyer's resilience is an inspiration to others, and her legacy continues today.

Died in New Orleans

Aja Metoyer died in New Orleans, Louisiana, on June 12, 1816. She was 66 years old. Metoyer was a free woman of color who lived in New Orleans during the 18th and 19th centuries. She was a philanthropist, businesswoman, and community leader. Metoyer's death was a loss to the New Orleans community, and her legacy continues today.

Metoyer's death in New Orleans is significant because it represents the end of an era. She was one of the last surviving free women of color in New Orleans who had lived through the city's transition from French to Spanish to American rule. Metoyer's death also marked the end of an era of philanthropy and community leadership in New Orleans. She was a generous donor to many charitable causes, and she was a strong advocate for the city's black community.

Metoyer's death is a reminder of the importance of preserving the history of New Orleans. She was a remarkable woman who made a significant contribution to the city. Her life and work should be remembered and celebrated.

Buried in St. Louis Cemetery

Aja Metoyer, a prominent free woman of color in New Orleans during the 18th and 19th centuries, was buried in St. Louis Cemetery in the city. Her burial there holds significance in understanding her life, contributions, and the social and cultural context of the time.

  • Historical Significance

    St. Louis Cemetery is one of the oldest and most historic cemeteries in New Orleans, established in 1789. Metoyer's burial there places her among notable figures in the city's history, including prominent citizens, politicians, and other individuals who shaped the city's cultural and social landscape.

  • Symbol of Community

    Cemeteries serve as important gathering places for communities, particularly during funeral rites and commemorative events. Metoyer's burial in St. Louis Cemetery reflects her deep connection to the city and its people, particularly the African American community in New Orleans.

  • Legacy and Remembrance

    Gravesites often serve as a physical manifestation of a person's legacy and the impact they had on their community. Metoyer's burial site in St. Louis Cemetery has become a place of remembrance and reflection on her life and contributions to New Orleans.

  • Tourist Destination

    St. Louis Cemetery is a popular tourist destination in New Orleans, known for its historical significance and unique above-ground tombs. Metoyer's burial site has added to the cemetery's allure, attracting visitors interested in the city's history and the lives of its notable figures.

Aja Metoyer's burial in St. Louis Cemetery provides insights into her life, her connection to the city of New Orleans, and the social and cultural context of her time. It serves as a reminder of her legacy and the contributions she made to the city's history and the African American community.

Legacy continues today

Aja Metoyer's legacy continues today in various ways, reflecting her lasting impact on New Orleans and beyond. Her contributions to education, philanthropy, and community activism have left an enduring mark, inspiring generations and shaping the city's cultural and social fabric.

  • Educational Legacy

    Metoyer's commitment to education is evident in her support of schools and orphanages for black children in New Orleans. Her legacy continues through institutions like the Metoyer School, which provides educational opportunities to underprivileged youth. Her efforts paved the way for improved access to education within the African American community.

  • Philanthropic Legacy

    Metoyer's philanthropic spirit continues to inspire charitable giving and community support. Organizations like the Aja Metoyer Charitable Foundation carry on her tradition of providing assistance to those in need, particularly within the city's black community. Her legacy fosters a culture of giving and making a positive impact on society.

  • Community Activism Legacy

    Metoyer's advocacy for the black community extended beyond philanthropy. Her legacy lives on through organizations and individuals engaged in social justice and community development work. Her dedication to improving the lives of marginalized populations serves as a reminder of the importance of activism and collective action.

  • Historical Preservation Legacy

    Metoyer's contributions to New Orleans' history are recognized and preserved through historical landmarks and initiatives. Her former residence, the Metoyer House, has been restored and serves as a cultural center and museum, showcasing her life and impact. Additionally, her burial site in St. Louis Cemetery attracts visitors interested in the city's rich past and the legacy of notable figures like Metoyer.

Aja Metoyer's legacy continues today through her enduring impact on education, philanthropy, community activism, and the preservation of New Orleans' history. Her unwavering dedication to the betterment of her community has left an indelible mark that continues to inspire and shape the city's present and future.

Role model for women and people of color

Aja Metoyer, a prominent figure in New Orleans' history, embodied the qualities of a role model for women and people of color during the 18th and 19th centuries. Her unwavering commitment to education, community development, and philanthropy left a lasting impact, inspiring generations and paving the way for progress and empowerment within marginalized communities.

  • Champion of Education

    Metoyer recognized the transformative power of education, particularly for underprivileged youth. She dedicated her resources to establishing schools and orphanages for black children, providing them with opportunities to learn and grow. Her efforts laid the foundation for increased literacy rates and educational attainment within the African American community, fostering a culture of knowledge and intellectual curiosity.

  • Advocate for Social Justice

    Metoyer's influence extended beyond education. She actively advocated for the rights and well-being of people of color in New Orleans. Her philanthropy targeted initiatives aimed at improving living conditions, healthcare, and economic opportunities for marginalized communities. Metoyer's unwavering voice and actions challenged societal norms and paved the way for greater social justice and equality.

  • Symbol of Strength and Resilience

    As a free woman of color during a period marked by racial discrimination and oppression, Metoyer's life exemplified strength and resilience. She faced adversity head-on, using her platform to speak out against injustice and inspire others. Her ability to navigate challenging circumstances with dignity and determination served as a beacon of hope for women and people of color, demonstrating the power of perseverance in the face of adversity.

  • Legacy of Empowerment

    Metoyer's legacy continues to inspire and empower women and people of color today. Her pioneering spirit and unwavering commitment to social progress have left an enduring mark on New Orleans and beyond. Organizations, institutions, and individuals draw inspiration from her example, working towards creating a more just and equitable society for all.

Aja Metoyer's role as a role model for women and people of color is deeply intertwined with her multifaceted contributions to education, social justice, and community development. Her life and work embody the power of one individual to make a difference, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire and empower generations.

Inspiration for future generations

Aja Metoyer, a prominent figure in New Orleans' history during the 18th and 19th centuries, continues to inspire future generations with her unwavering dedication to education, community development, and the betterment of society, particularly for marginalized communities. Metoyer's legacy serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the power of one individual to make a difference.

  • Champion of Education

    Metoyer's passion for education extended beyond her own personal pursuits. She recognized the transformative power of education for the advancement of her community. Her contributions to establishing schools and orphanages for black children provided opportunities for educational growth and empowerment, fostering a culture of knowledge and intellectual curiosity within marginalized communities.

  • Advocate for Social Justice

    Metoyer's influence extended far beyond the realm of education. She actively advocated for social justice and the well-being of people of color in New Orleans. Her philanthropic efforts targeted initiatives aimed at improving living conditions, healthcare, and economic opportunities for marginalized communities. Metoyer's unwavering voice challenged societal norms and paved the way for greater social justice and equality.

  • Symbol of Strength and Resilience

    As a free woman of color living during a period marked by racial discrimination and oppression, Metoyer's life exemplified strength and resilience. She faced adversity head-on, using her platform to speak out against injustice and inspire others. Her ability to navigate challenging circumstances with dignity and determination served as a beacon of hope for women and people of color, demonstrating the power of perseverance in the face of adversity.

  • Legacy of Empowerment

    Metoyer's legacy continues to inspire and empower women and people of color today. Her pioneering spirit and unwavering commitment to social progress have left an enduring mark on New Orleans and beyond. Organizations, institutions, and individuals draw inspiration from her example, working towards creating a more just and equitable society for all.

Aja Metoyer's unwavering dedication to education, community development, and social justice has left a lasting legacy, inspiring generations to come. Her story serves as a reminder of the profound impact that one individual can have on their community and society as a whole, leaving behind a legacy of empowerment that continues to shape the present and future.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions surrounding the topic of 'Aja Metoyer'.

Question 1: Who was Aja Metoyer?

Aja Metoyer was a free woman of color who lived in New Orleans, Louisiana, during the 18th and 19th centuries. She was a philanthropist, businesswoman, and community leader. Metoyer's work helped to improve the lives of the city's black community, and her legacy continues today.

Question 2: What were Aja Metoyer's major contributions?

Metoyer was a generous philanthropist who donated money to many charitable causes, including schools and orphanages for black children. She was also a successful businesswoman who owned several properties in New Orleans. Metoyer used her wealth and influence to improve the lives of the city's black community.

Question 3: What were the challenges faced by Aja Metoyer in her time?

As a free woman of color in the 18th and 19th centuries, Metoyer faced many challenges. She was not legally equal to white women and was subject to many of the same restrictions as slaves. Despite these challenges, Metoyer was able to achieve success as a businesswoman and philanthropist.

Question 4: What is Aja Metoyer's legacy?

Metoyer's legacy is one of philanthropy and community service. She donated money to many charitable causes, and she worked to improve the lives of the city's black community. Metoyer's work has had a lasting impact on New Orleans, and her legacy continues today.

Question 5: Why is Aja Metoyer an important historical figure?

Metoyer is an important historical figure because she was a successful free woman of color in a time when few women of color were able to achieve success. She was also a philanthropist and community leader who worked to improve the lives of the city's black community. Metoyer's life and work are an inspiration to us all.

Question 6: How can we learn more about Aja Metoyer?

There are many resources available to learn more about Aja Metoyer. You can read books and articles about her life and work, or you can visit the Metoyer House Museum in New Orleans. You can also find information about Metoyer online.

In conclusion, Aja Metoyer was a remarkable woman who made significant contributions to the city of New Orleans. Her legacy of philanthropy and community service continues today, and she is an inspiration to us all.

Proceed to the next section of the article for further insights.


Aja Metoyer's life and work offer valuable lessons that can inspire and guide us today. Here are five tips on how to make a difference in your community:

Tip 1: Be generous with your time and resources. Metoyer donated money to many charitable causes and volunteered her time to help those in need. By giving back to your community, you can make a real difference in the lives of others.

Tip 2: Support education and opportunity for all. Metoyer founded schools and orphanages for black children. By investing in education, you can help to create a more just and equitable society.

Tip 3: Be an advocate for social justice. Metoyer spoke out against injustice and worked to improve the lives of marginalized communities. By using your voice to speak up for what is right, you can help to create a better world for all.

Tip 4: Be resilient in the face of adversity. Metoyer faced many challenges in her life, but she never gave up on her dreams. By persevering through adversity, you can achieve your goals and make a positive impact on the world.

Tip 5: Be an inspiration to others. Metoyer's life and work have inspired generations of people. By living a life of purpose and passion, you can inspire others to do the same.

By following these tips, you can make a difference in your community and the world. Aja Metoyer's legacy is a reminder that one person can make a difference.

Proceed to the next section of the article for further insights.


Aja Metoyer's life and work are a testament to the power of one person to make a difference. She was a philanthropist, businesswoman, and community leader who dedicated her life to improving the lives of others. Metoyer's legacy continues today, and she is an inspiration to us all.

Metoyer's story teaches us that we can all make a difference in the world, no matter our circumstances. We can donate our time and resources to charitable causes, support education and opportunity for all, advocate for social justice, be resilient in the face of adversity, and inspire others to do the same. By following Metoyer's example, we can create a more just, equitable, and compassionate world for all.
